- About Androgenic Alopecia

What Is Androgenic Alopecia?

Sometimes called male or female pattern baldness or AA, androgenic alopecia is a condition that affects roughly 80 million Americans. AA is the leading cause of hair loss in both men and women, although the condition is more common in men. Although there is no cure for androgenic alopecia, by understanding its cause, signs and treatments, you can take action to help slow, stop or even reverse its progression.

A Mysterious Sensitivity

The medical community doesn't completely understand why some people get androgenic alopecia and others don't, but many speculate that there is a genetic link to the condition. What is understood is how the hair follicles of people with AA behave. The skin of every person's scalp is home to hormones, including a male sex hormone called DHT. In people with AA, this hormone binds to receptors on the hair follicles and causes them to shrink. When the openings of the hair follicles become smaller, the hairs that grow out of them become reduced in size, leading to the appearance of thinning. Eventually, the follicle can become so small that hair can no longer break through at all. Hair loss shampoos, like Regenepure DR, contain Ketoconazole, which completely removes the buildup of DHT, and makes way for new growth.

Distinctive Pattern of Thinning

Androgenic Alopecia can be very easy to spot because the condition progresses in certain patterns. In men, the thinning usually begins along the hairline and at the crown of the head. The section of thinning then spreads out in a circular pattern from the top of the head. For women, AA usually starts along the middle of the scalp from the front to the back of the head and then spreads outwardly from the center to the edges. The condition progresses slowly with thinning gradually giving way to baldness.

Treatments for AA

There are many different ways to address symptoms of AA from hair loss treatmentsto topical solutions to herbs to prescription drugs. Not every treatment is ideal for every person. The first step toward dealing with AA is getting a definitive diagnosis that shows you have the condition. Visit your doctor and talk about your symptoms. Routine blood work can help rule out other possible causes of hair loss, so that you can get on the path to finding a solution. Your doctor can also recommend what type of AA treatment is likely the best for you. However, those who suffer from AA usually turn to Regenepure's line of products, which contain a hair loss shampoo, nourishing treatment and breakthrough minoxidil spray.  RegenePure Hair loss shampoos can be bought at

By Blair Cassuto – Hair Loss Expert at and Fashion Expert at