April J. Ford's New Book ~ You Are Not Alone: How To Rise Above Life's Challenges With Grace Gratitude Love & Joy

I am very honored and proud to recommend a new book from my friend / author April J. Ford entitled You Are Not Alone: How To Rise Above Life's Challenges With Grace, Gratitude, Love & Joy Here are some great reviews from top book reviewers, experts and book lovers.

April Ford is a global Lady Leader I’m so proud to endorse. Having a dream life, a six figure income at Intel, with two movie poster children, her honey and best friend and husband graduated from life years before anyone planned. April proceeds to adopt God’s PLAN is always GREATER Than YOUR PLAN in life. April moved forward to develop several global business models, assure as a single Mom her children always come first, and coach other entrepreneur’s that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. For Chicken Soup, Rich Dad, Venus and Mars and SECRET READERS April Ford is a book you want to buy TEN OF and give them away to the circle you love the most. You just want everyone to read YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Berny Dohrmann Chairman/founder http://www.ceospace.net 

We all face many obstacles in life and we find out sooner or later it is not nearly so much what happens to us but how we respond to what happens.  I urge you to read April J. Ford’s new book, You Are Not Alone.  When you need help, the people you seek advice from is extremely important.  Each of us should seek the best advice, and April uses her knowledge and experiences to help guide you through the many difficulties of life.Don M. Green, Napoleon Hill Foundation.

April has gone through tremendous adversity.  Through her journey, she has discovered the gift of alchemy, transforming her experience, spinning it into the 'gold' .... now being able to offer her wisdom to you. Wendy Darling